It's tough to feel positive right now. Cost of living increases are comparatively insignificant when we consider Ukraine, but nevertheless they do affect us all
All is Good has just embarked on an expansion program, twelve months earlier than originally planned. It would be easy to think we've lost the plot. Surely we should be tightening our belts, treading water?
Well. Actually no. You see, the thing is we know can help with rising costs and so, feel confident in our future. Here's why:
Shop Small Save Waste From our ever increasing zero waste range of dried foods, buy what you need. Only cooking rice for two? No problem. Go for it. Our refill herbs and spices cost as little as 20p to fill a standard jar and our FILL eco friendly household range is so concentrated a £2 wash up lasts longer than some leading brands. Fancy a sweet treat? You don't have to buy a full box of handmade chocolates here, as we sell them individually.
Shop Local Save Fuel Cut petrol costs, by shopping in your local town. Not only will you save money, but you'll also be helping your doorstep economy. Many of the products, both food and non food, stocked at All is Good comes from small artisan suppliers, who source their raw ingredients locally too.
Fair Pricing Our promise to you is that we will always charge a fair price. We work to a standardised margin, regardless of the cost to us. This means we don't ask 'how much will we get for that', we ask 'how much do we need to sell that to cover our costs'. We pass on supplier discounts too, rather than swallowing the profits.
Smarter Gifts Aside from the vast range of unique gifts we stock which start at just £4, we also put together bespoke hampers for literally any price range from a fiver upwards. You really don't need to spend a fortune to make someone feel special.
Quality Ingredients We all know using quality ingredients means you can use less to pack a punch with flavour. We have a great range of artisan fresh and ambient goodies that will save you from buying a load of unnecessary bits to create that tasty meal.
Loyalty We've recently introduced a generous loyalty scheme with no gimmicks. There's no false promises of cheaper prices, just good honest money off vouchers and freebies. Have that cake on us, grab your free sandwich and take a fiver or tenner off your bill. It's our way of saying thanks.
If you'd like to know more, please do feel free to call in for a chat. We're open 7 days a week, or contactable by email / messenger / Instagram.
